5910 Hamby Dr.,Cumming, GA 30028


From our desk to yours.

Welcome to People Embracing Change.

We have been asked to support and Sponsor North Georgia Solitaries. We want to keep that group fungible and supportable so individuals or groups can have turns supporting it and making it the open group that it is intended to be.

We need to manage it under a 501c3, collect funds for festivals, events and donations to keep it going. It needs a 501c3 to sponsor it. Also it forces us to step to make People Embracing Change as a tribe, church and teaching group a project into reality. And here we hare.

People Embracing Change as an idea, a dream, and a focal point of our passion has been ongoing for over a decade. The founders, now all retired, have more time and focus to make it happen.

We cannot do it alone. If we do nothing except the teaching group we can manage. To run a festival, sabbats, and public gatherings, and be a source for resources, we need help, So Volunteer.

If you want to learn psychic and spiritual development, while getting a broad background on magic, divination and everything that goes with it, contact us.

I know in the past 60 years, pagan and Wiccan groups have been against organized religion. And Society for what it is has left us with a bad taste regarding leadership, and organizations, where we cannot trust either. Let us, you and I, each of us, fix that. We can do better, make a better model, where Love and Honest relationships at all levels can evolve us into better people and a better society.

Looking forward to commune and co-create with each of you.

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